72 Hour Cancellation Policy

We require a credit card to book any services. We need all your information correctly inserted, please. Please go to our Quick Quote For Services, fill out the short form, and then call me with your Credit Card information. 707-307-9532. If you call and give us your credit card information you automatically agree with the 72-hour cancellation agreement on our form and below.

All credit cards for booking purposes are subject to a 72-hour cancellation procedure. If you cancel outside the 72 hours before your wine tour date you get a refund if one was charged. If you are inside the 72 hours the deposit (if any) is not refundable and you are responsible for the balance of the 6-hour tour and multiple days if it applies and your credit card will be used to pay the balance. You must call the office to cancel only @ 707-307-9532. Then you will get a confirmation email that your tour is canceled outside the 72-hour procedure. All deposits returned are subject to credit card return fees. By submitting your cc card info you agree to the terms above and for the cars you want us to drive. Your vehicles must have proper insurance on the vehicle per California Insurance laws. Our vehicles are commercially insured. When using our service you also agree for all costs associated and not just limited to bank fees in collecting the dishonored checks or Credit card payments or canceled tours. Thank you for using the Designated Driver Referral Service.

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